Huge and luxurious garden apartment for Yom Tov
In the area of Menchat Yitzhak Belz, Huge apartment, a huge living room, a huge sukkah that comes out of the living room, large porch, sofas, a huge and upgraded kitchen, very luxurious for the holiday. Large and spacious rooms. Amazing view. Air-condition fully equipped for Shabbes.
Id Hebrew ad: 62358
ID 54745
Type Apartment, Luxury Homes
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 3
Open on Google Maps-
Address Minchas Yitzhok
Country Israel
City/Town Jerusalem
Property ID 54745
Price Price on call
Property Type Apartment, Luxury Homes
Property Status Yom Tov
Property Label E. Israel
Rooms 4
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 3