The apartment in ultra-Orthodox Haifa
Vacation rental, Shabbat and holiday rental
An apartment in the ultra-Orthodox area of Haifa, air-conditioned, very spacious, about 90 square meters, with three and a half rooms, 5 beds and two cribs, you can add more beds, there is a lot of space, close to the Stiblach, the mikvah, the bus station, the Mahadrin supermarket, at a very good price, which is equal to every person, an air-conditioned apartment
Fully equiped for Shabbos.
Id Hebrew ad: 65228
הרצל 86
ID 56857
Type Apartment
Open on Google Maps-
Country Israel
Property ID 56857
Price ₪700 / per night
Property Type Apartment
Property Status Summer Holidays, Yom Tov
Property Label E. Israel
Rooms 3.5
Beds 5
Cribs 2